Core Values


In all our products & services, we put ourselves in the shoes of all our clients to craft the easiest and best solutions in the market. We understand that in our mission to democratize solutions for everyone, we will encounter clients that are unfamiliar with these services and that it is our duty to introduce these solutions in a manner and form they can easily digest and enjoy.

A Class Apart

We are not just any other company, everything we do, we do it with love, passion, and a meaningful desire to provide the best-in-class solutions without settling for the bare minimum. We strive to redefine what a Ugandan/African technology company can and should be. This is reflected in how we pay attention to detail, our customer care, craftmanship, user experience, public relations, policies, speed, innovation among others.

Do It Right

We do not cut corners, we take the straight and narrow path, the correct way, with no exceptions! It may be harder, it may not be as fast, but it will give us and our clients comfort and confidence in our ability to deliver now, and always. We apply this value in dealing with
  • Tax & regulatory compliance
  • Board, employee & supplier diversity
  • Tenders, bidding, proposals & expressions of interest
  • Recruitment & renumeration

Shake the Table

We recognize that mankind has made great leaps forward thanks to a brave few that have challenged the status quo and sought to go further and to do better! “Shake the table” embodies our Ugandan youthful exuberance and willingness to break away from what others might consider standard, classic, or normal when providing our services.

Born Again

Change is a fact of life, we must not get comfortable for there will always be new horizons, markets, competitors, regulations, technologies, and opportunities for business. We must be ready to be reborn and reimagine ourselves when the need arises. Adaptability & resilience are core tenets to this key value that we to embody.